Social Cosmetics
4 min readNov 5, 2021

Voyage Houston local stories Interview of Founder & CEO of Social Cosmetics, Valerie Brown.

September 28,2021

Today we’d like to introduce you to Valerie Brown.

Hi Valerie, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?

My story dates back five years ago. I was in really bad shape health wise. Fast forward to today; 200lbs lost, 11 surgeries, and no resources through my whole journey. In the beginning of my journey, I had no place for support, no resources, and no guidance on what to expect losing weight, then after the weight was gone, the support of my journey through skin removal.

After losing the first 100lbs on my own, I made a small community because through it all, the only support I had was my husband (and co founder). Seeing my pain points and not having the right tools, especially through the most important part of my journey, I realized I was not alone. There were thousands just like me. Going day by day with no support, resources, or guidance on their decisions with health, skincare after losing the weight, or in general aesthetics.

After building a 80K+ community of all resources in one place from reviews to health professionals and surgeons for cosmetics, before & after of journeys, and support. We still had an overwhelming need that was not met by the current social networks in place. Censorship was a big factor. People getting blocked or banned from networks because of pictures posted of their journey, all while other “influencers” allowed to post about theirs.

That was the start of Social Cosmetics inception. “A social network & marketplace for all things beauty”.

Reaching millions who are on your same path, and having an all in one platform for the life of the journey was crucial to succeed in knowing you have a community to have your back every step of the way.

We are known as the “Facebook of Beauty”.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?

If we told you to look up a double board-certified a beauty professional, business, etc who’s reviews are a 4-star and overrating, has to be located in the southern region, and must have experience working with consumers who have issues with certain skin defects, 8 live experience reviews working with this doctor, could you find this within 2 minutes? No.

We are solving an issue of easy information sharing, credential verification, Products & services, social networking, but most of all the pain of censorship and confusion. Being the go-to for live community support with all resources at your fingertips to get you on your journey and support you before, during, and after. A social networking platform for Beauty and community driven.

So, to the question asked above, if I gave you our platform and told you to look for that specific question asked, could you do this in less than 2 minutes without having to leave the platform to go anywhere else for information? Could you do this? YES, with Social SX.

The struggles we have faced along the way is that the misunderstanding of what Social Cosmetics is. We are not just a review site or a network you go to one time and search beauty/health professionals. We are a social network to guide you and be with you before, during, and after.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?

I have been within the aesthetics/beauty industry for over six years. What got me in this industry is my health for me and my family, which turned into a passion, which turned into a mission to help others on their journey. I lost 200 pounds, 11 surgeries to undo what I did over the course of those years being unhealthy, and with my story have motivated upwards of 80,000+ community members to do the same. Partnering with professionals, businesses, and users to take control of their lives, but also have that live interaction as a social network to grow the mission, which turned into a solution to fix this issues with current sites not delivering an over all customer experience, and make it easier for businesses to have everything streamlined.

What we are most proud of is, solving an issue for millions of people all while building a new technology to integrate with your everyday lives.

What will keep Social Cosmetics ahead of the market is, created by users for users. We are the first beauty social network & marketplace for everything Beauty. We are not just a review site, an information site. We are a cloud based beauty platform integrated all areas of beauty and beyond.

What do you like best about our city? What do you like least?

There are many people worldwide especially in Texas who struggle with identity. But you can go there and be you and feel welcomed in some ways. What we least like is, the misinformation regarding health and wellness within this industry and people not knowing where to turn.

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Social Cosmetics

Take the next step in beauty by connecting with top-tier influencers & brands. A new social platform and marketplace that lets you discover, share, connect.